
Friday 23 December 2011

Display Work

I am trying to put a slide show on the blog to add display photos to, some that me and my team have done and some that I have shamelessly stolen! But it just does not seem to want to work for me!
So until then  will post the pictures.

Last year we did some quite interesting displays. One topic - Africa was great for display work.

We printed curtains with homemade African printing blocks, we made masks which we then used for some green screening and we charted where food comes from in Africa using a multi sensory food map of Africa, everyone got to smell, feel and in some cases taste the foods and then we stuck it onto the map which was used for out lovely display. Just remember if your using lentils some students may be allergic (which I found out) and also careful, we PVA'd over the whole thing to make it safe for display. We also did some African drumming and looked at the story of the lion king to go along with this!

Second piece of work we did was for the theme of 'Under the Sea'. Loved this theme - and what other book could you do other than the 'Rainbow Fish'. Great P.S.H.E. links here as well. From the story we made this display:

We used this to make reference to as part of our story and my class loved finger painting the octopus and really enjoyed painting their fish and decorating with multi coloured scales. Our partner class also created the most amazing ceiling display by handing netting from the roof between the two classrooms and using it like a fishing net and putting loads of different models of sea creatures in and loads of green tissue paper for seaweed which the students loved! Unfortunately because this was last year I do not have a picture of this!

From this we adapted the story...I got students to think about applying the story to a different animal and we came up with 'Rainbow Bird' and we acted out the same story line with these new animals. We ended up with this display which we were able to use to track the story.

I will add some more display photos from this year in the new year when I get back to school.

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